Friday, December 27, 2019

State of the Dojo - January Revamp

Hey peeps, DJ MK here.
2019's been a bit of a lull period on the site. Between classes, work, and straight up writer's block, it's given me little energy to write on here. But after so much happening on my end, I'm happy to say that progress is finally happening in my nerdy realm.

First, I've just started a card reading business online! I've been a passionate card reader for 7 years now and I've been told by several people that the readings have been empowering. After an intense retreat, I've decided to share these skills to the public. This will also make funding of the show much easier to pull off.

In honor of the storefront opening after so much deliberation and delay, if you message me on Fiverr with the code 'YULE', you'll get your reading at half price. Note: This doesn't affect the fees for fast tracking (reading in 24 hours) or live readings! If you donate to my ko-fi page, you're also eligible for a free reading (minimum 3 cards). Just add your question/desired advice to your donation message and I'll answer as fast as I can!

Second, I'm starting back up on my reviews. I've prerecorded several reviews and recaps including Avengers: Infinity War and Endgame, Doctor SleepStar Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, and Kingdom Hearts III as well as trailer first impressions and recaps - just to name a few items. Of course, I'm always open to any suggestions you may have!

Finally, I'm happy to say that the full length show's coming back on Mixlr. I'm starting back up on the site next month. Considering all of the exciting media 2020 has to offer, I'll be jumping back on here as often as I can!

Thank you so much for the love, patience, and support.
Happy Holidays and may your heart be your guiding key!

<3 DJ MK

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