Friday, October 30, 2020

State of the Dojo - Where have I been?

 Hey peeps, DJ MK here.

Feels like an eternity and a half since I've written on here, huh? Well, there has been a lot going on in my life lately. Obviously there has been a lot with everything on the news and, of course, a near world-ending pandemic on our hands. But I'm now in a much more stable position to describe everything that's been happening here.

 Game over to the Mixlr broadcast...again (this time for good)

If you tuned into my broadcast this summer, I had to cancel my Mixlr subscription again due to unexpected expenses. That was part of the story. My unemployment hasn't kicked in since the end of the spring semester back in May and it was starting to catch up with me. So as much as I didn't want this to happen, I had to drop the show for the sake of reducing expenses. I'm also not doing as many scheduled shows as I usually would so the expense overall wasn't making any sense at the time.

Not too long after that, 6 years worth of work was deleted from the site. Even though I said I was coming back, it wasn't enough to keep my material on the site. 2 weeks after I had to end my membership, they deleted hundreds of recordings - never to be seen again. There were several signs pointing to this shift but that personal effect sealed the deal.

I am hoping that this will change come 2021 as I have been planning a podcast with some friends and language partners. Some of the discussions we've been having lately have been rather podcast worthy (their words, not mine!) and so it's a dream in progress! As for Mahou Kunoichi & Maximum Khord, that may be the end of an era. Not the way I wanted to go out but I guess this may be a blessing to put energy towards things I genuinely care about.

The nerd grief's been pretty immense!

One thing I've learned in my short time on this dimension is when somebody's feeling pain or stress, there is a legitimate concern or feeling behind it. Fan grief should never be shamed and this year we've had a ton of it. The passing of Kobe and Gianna Bryant and their team was one thing that was difficult to handle. The passings of Grant Imahara, Naya Rivera, and Chadwick Boseman were another - the latter two to this day is hitting me really hard. Even if you're not really into celeb culture or pop culture in general, you can't really avoid the impact COVID-19 has had on all of our lives (unless you're in a really isolated space, Wakanda, Themyscira, or Vanuatu - in that case, more power to you). There's also the protests and the various challenges to fundamental needs and human rights. We can't deny that we are in need of a huge paradigm shift and healing. It's really incredible and seems almost inconceivable (and yes, I'm using the definition correctly Inigo Montoya!) that all of this has happened within the same year. I'm sure I speak for many when I say that I really wanted 2020 to be my year of new starts, newfound confidence, and new strength. We're got 2 months left so I feel like we still can!

Side-gigs and grad school

I've recently started up fall graduate school classes and a card reading shop. I've also been searching for another job so that I can pay my student loans more easily. It does feel like running for a bus going up a 90 degree angle sometimes. Graduate school has been keeping me busy in a lot of good ways. While I'm in the middle of an intense paper at this moment, it's been a welcome distraction from the chaos and maybe a push towards something more empowering and interesting - something I have been needing recently. The clientele has been going up on my Fiverr shop lately and I'm super grateful for that. Here's a blog exclusive code for you - if you use the code SAMHAIN, you'll get a free recording of your reading. What I write down and what I say can have rather interesting revelations for each medium.

The stumbling block in every hero's journey - confidence

The challenge that a lot of people in my age group have been experiencing is the challenges when it comes to self-confidence. I'm no exception to this. I've had crises of faith, questioned my career and school path several times, and have dealt with experiences of self-doubt that almost shut me down completely. There have so many times this year where I stopped myself short of executing an idea because I felt like either it would be looked upon as ridiculous or somebody's already done it but better.

If there is one thing I hope you take away from this is that you are good just as you are and you always have opportunities to improve, succeed, & grow. The world will sometimes tell you otherwise; news flash - it's a myth. There are times I fall for it even with this knowledge but you can remind yourself to get back up - literally and/or spiritually - and try again.

Bright sides! 

I'm glad that I have my family and friends that have helped me get through this crisis. I got a birthday present that I never expected - a message from Greg Baldwin (the voice actor of Uncle Iroh and Aku) that I listen to whenever I feel things get really rough. I've talked with one of my favorite spiritual authors twice this year and I'll have the privilege of working with her for the next 6 months! I'm also doing breathwork with a great community of women and discovered parts of myself that I either never knew or reminded that I had. I've even considered going by my real name on my content. That option may still be executed down the line.

I know that I can get through all of these difficulties and then some. The next two months may have challenges but I know they will have their joys too. Whatever happens, we'll get through these things together.

I hope you enjoy the new content and services I'm providing and stay safe out there. Of course most importantly, may your heart be your guiding key.

<3 DJ MK

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