Thursday, February 11, 2016

Pardon Our Dust!

Mahou Kunoichi's growing up so that means another overhaul. You ready for tomorrow?

Tune in at 11am EST on the Basement (WVUD 91.3 HD-2 FM) for some great nerd action.
'Til then, stay frosty.
<3 DJ MK
PS - awesome classic Toonami remaster and archival by YouTuber SlimD716.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Mahou Kunoichi Turns 2! たんじょびおめでとうございます!

Hard to believe this. I've been running this blog and my radio show for two years now. On top of that, today's my 1/2 birthday and it's the 50th Super Bowl. Tomorrow I'm starting off school with my first Japanese class of the year and it's the Chinese New Year.


I don't know what else to say except thank you. Thank you for all the support you've given me the past 2 years and here's to another two more. :)

I may do a brief episode post-Super Bowl halftime or something. 'Til then, I'll be happily hunting for some half birthday cake or pizza.

I may be in my 20s but I'm never too old for a half birthday celebration. ;)

<3 DJ MK

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"Training" Wednesday - Fixing My Computer

In case you're wondering about the musical radio silence from last week's FM episode up until today, it's because I had to fix my laptop. Yes, self-repair is a growing trend and I'm embracing it.  It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. While I still have no clue what I'm going to do after the FM stint's up, computer magic may be in the works for this young magician. This isn't my very first foray into building computers. My first build was a desktop with my 6th grade computer science teacher. (It's been 10 years since I've done that and I heard it still works like new. :) ) So I thought my laptop fix would not be too difficult since the principles were similar albeit smaller.

I was right but boy was I wrong on a few major levels.